Sat 11 Jan
Hot Beauty Extremely Addictive*All Natural Sensual* Exotic And Ready To Play! - 24
(North SD County, La Jolla,Delmar and Surrounding!)
🇸🇪🇽🇾EGYPTIAN 👑WARM🇲💋🇺🇹🇭 👅 &🇯🇺🇮🇨🇾 KITTY🇦🇻🇦🇮🇱🇦🇧🇱🇪 NOW - 23
(Escondido Incall, North SD County, San Diego)
E* x* t* r* e *m* e & exotic Beautyy * wild&fun; & waiting for Youuu (:
(City of San Diego, mira mesa/la jolla/del mar)
24Hrs **New Provider In MISSION BEACH,( "SPECIALS") Party With Me**24 Hrs - 21
YOUNG 😆 Playmate 👄 wants a new friend❤️ - 19
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SD, City Heights, MV, NC, Oside)
SWEET_______ ♥ ———— A N Y_____ W A Y ———— Y O U _____ W A N T ———— I T ♥______SEXY - 19
(South SD County, South Bay/ Chula Vista/ Incalls)
SUPER HOT COLLEGE Singapore Car Model 〓❤〓 804-298-1234 〓❤〓 - NEW TO AREA - - - - 23
(City of San Diego, Super hot Singapore model in SD)
☎️ Seductive Latina waiting on your call ! * 💋💋 click here - 19
(Oklahoma City, Metro Area / Surrounding Areas)
Hi Boys Im Izzy an Ready To Party With The Best College Town In Oklahoma 405-696-2029 - 35
(Lawton, Norman, Oklahoma City, Stillwater, Stillwater 405-696-2029, Tulsa)
BELLA...Im the true GFE, new to this but eager to please, no rush hot sessions, only $250 - 29
(mission valley /friars rd.)
___(( NEW )) _ 💋_ (( SeXy )) _ ❤_ (( Pl@yFuL )) _ (( UNRUSHED )) _ 24/7 ❀ღℒℴts ℴƒ ℒℴѵℯ ღ❀ - 26
(South SD County, hotel circle..gas areas outcall)
♡♥♡♥♥♥♥ DEFINITION %♥%♡% OF♥÷♡÷ mmmmm..... SEXY oxox Hott New PICS - 40
(Wichita, Wichita newton hutch)
Available Now°*° Dont Miss OutCall Specials ~•~.. - 23
(Okc & Around OuTcAlLs OnLy PlZ, Oklahoma City)
ೋ SeXy !! sAssY & So MuCh MoRe !! $100 SpECiiALs !! ToDaY oNLy !! uNFoRGeTaBLe !! ೋ - 21
(City of San Diego, Hotel circle mission valley in/out)
I DONT TEASE* ¨ *:•. ★ ;.•:* I PLEASE. •* : . ★* ;.•:*-*CALL ME NOW** : . ★* - 21
(North SD County, Mission Valley- In call)
⭐️💦 100% BUSTY White Girl🔥_NeW_2_ToWN🌹Fun_ 💄 BlOnDe 💄 ___💥Bombshell 💥 - 24
(City of San Diego, DEL MAR, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
Treasure 😻✨😻💋24/7 Slippery kitty 😻💦• NEW🎉✨ Extremely Intoxicating💋 Special Specialist - 22
(Incalls•Outcalls.ChulaVista.Nationalcity, San Diego, South SD County)
LeavinG Saturday ~ OLDER woman ~ UP LATE / UP EarLy ~ ANY TiMe > > I'm UP & ReadY > 24/7 - 40
(IN/ Out calls SPECIALS)
********* ToP NoTch ******* LaTina Doll ((( SUper Sexxy )))) - 23
(( Specls ~ Inside! )) - - ♥ - - (( Petite, EXOTIC & Sweet! )) - - ♥ - - (( Incall ~ Only )) - 21
(City of San Diego, Old Town (( San Diego )) Let's Play!)
@}`~~~~ Start ~~~~ your ~~~~ weekend ~~~~ early ~~~~ with ~~~~ me~~~~ 1OO SPECIALS ~~~~'{@ - 21
(North SD County, Rancho Bernardo In & out)
★☆MY BODY ★IS YOUR ☆( ( ( •• P L A Y G R O U N D •• ) ) )★ ☆HuRRy (¯`'•.¸; CLICK ME - 20
(City of San Diego, FletcherPrkway/INCALL/OUTCALL)
Fri 10 Jan
[×°x°×SuPeR SeXy-×°x°×] SuPeR WeT/ TiGHT [×°x°×JUICeY BuN×° x°×] 1oOD dsR e aDy2 PL eAsE1 oO!!! - 20
❤❤ *¨*:•✿.•:•✿.• {♥}Y.O.U.R •:*:• S.e. X. Y ❤❤ B.L.o.N.D.E•:• ✿•:• S.E.C.R.E.T {♥} *¨*:•✿.•:•✿❤❤ - 32
💋§ęX¥ ρℓαγℳα†Ɛ ₩äįTıÑG 4 ¥🎯U Ãvailable ÄŁŁĐ⥠💜💯%Re@L💋💯Půŕę ŰnRū§hêĐ FUN💜 - 24
(Hutchinson Wichita, Wichita)
- 🎀💍🎀 €xQU$i+€ 🍓🍦🍰 LA+¡N 🍫 🍮 🍯 +R€A+ 💦👅💦MOU+H ₩A+€RiNG 🇵🇷Pu€r+O Ri©AN 🌴 B€AU+¥ 🎀💍🎀 - 21
(TRAVEL FRiENDLY 👌👍👌, Wichita)
Leggs *❤* _ B E T T E R_ °o° _T. H. A. N _ _A _ °o° _B .L. O. N. D. E_*❤* - 24
(Wichita, OUTCALL)
(¯`'•.💜 •' ´¯) BeTTer ThaN ThE ReSt 💋 CuRvY ExOtiC ASK about my 100 SPECIALS - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley off the 8)
X$80 specialsTR M°×°TÕUCH M XF L M°×°StuNniNg EbOny ViXeNXbOOtY && bEaUty - 23
(East SD County, Mission valley/la mesa/el cajon)
Tired of Being Rushed & Unappreciated? *° RARE ** EXOTIC ** BEAUTY °* _Hotel Circle-8w/Fwy_ - 23
(8/west *** Mission Valley. ((Incall)))
_ ❤ __ ❤__ ❤_SMOKiN _ ❤_ HoT _ ❤_ SeXy _ ❤_ LaDY _ ❤_ CLiCK HeRe _ ❤__ ❤__ ❤_ - 43
(City of San Diego, PACIFIC BEACH, San Diego)
ೋ SeXy !! sAssY & So MuCh MoRe !! $100 SpECiiALs !! CaLL && AsK aBoUT My 2x sPECiiAL! ೋ - 21
NEW ♥ SATIVA & Indica ★ HELL & Heaven ★ IN & OUT ♥ NAUGHTY & Nice ★Reviewed ♥D0UBLE - 21
(City of San Diego, Little Italy, Downtown Incall)
NEW PICS! 100% real* Smoking hot Barbie Doll, Bubble buTT:) All Day Specials call now! 100$$ - 21
(City of San Diego, Incall outcall)
Military 8/0** Platinum Blondie, Platinum Service **Totally Affordable!! - 26
(San Diego, Gaslamp near Horton Plaza)
Exxxotic Ebony Bombshell * Available Now For In Call * GFE Exxxclusive * 80 Kiss Special - 23
(Point Loma/Mission Bay In Call)
bbw*48dd's* wOw!! tHiCk cUrVy sExY cOcO!! bAbY cUm2Me!!** 60 sPeAcIaLz!! - 30
(East SD County, La Mesa, El Cajon, Lemon Grove, East S.D)
*I __N___C ___A___L___L_* ===*== ( (* * *$100.00* * *) ==*=== _*S___P___E __C__! __A__ L_S - - 23
(Wichita IN/OUT)
★ 【KiLLєR CuRvEs】★【niCє bѺѺb's】★【cUτє FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★ Specials♥ - 25
(Wichita, around wichita incall)
~~___✨** Seduction at it's finest....(( 75 donation incall only)) Come play with me today **✨___~~ - 23
(incall only Specials ❤️, Oklahoma City)